Friday 4 March 2011

show me something new!!

at the moment i am researching for my disitation!! the brief is to compare 2 pieces of art that interest me in 000 words.. really struggling!! i have been looking for something different, but cant find it!! am i looking in the wrong places?! i have searched the internet, the library and book shops, just to find myself faced with the usuall culprites!! piccasso, monet, constable, dali, valazquez etc.. now im not saying its bad work, its very pretty but its just all the same!! one artist i came across which i liked was patricia piccinini, i was thinking about comparing it to something thats beautiful in everyones eyes and talking about what defines beauty.. but dont know what?? any suggestions??


  1. How about Andy Warhol, Teesha Moore, The Group of Seven? It depends what style of art, what time period, that piques your interest. Fiber art vs acrylic? Indigenous art of cultures in danger of extinction? Egyptian art?
    I think the definition of beauty is individual and not universal. IMHO

  2. Hmm. Good idea. Perhaps you could flick through a philosophy book, in the library, about aesthetics. The good thing about it is that what beauty is and why is up to you to decide, in a way..! Katherine A Cartwright's blog is a great source for commentary on art and what it is. She's full of knowledge about art and has lots of followers that make new exciting art!

  3. There are soooo many artists out there. And there are other blogs that do nothing but find them. Here's a couple you can check out to see if maybe they have stumbled upon an artist that you might be able to write about. They are all contemporary artists however. Not sure if that fits the requirements for your paper.

  4. thanks!! been loads of help!!
